Monday, June 1, 2009

Life changing moments

Everybody has those moments in life that everything slows down around you and you get a glimpse of life and how it would be without you. My moment came about two weeks ago 30,000 feet above the ground.
I would love to tell you everything about that moment or just say that I had some kind of spiritual vision in those few moments. I can not even tell you where I went but I do know this I was very lucky that I got to come back at all. I have not spoke of this moment to anyone or even said much of anything simply because it's almost too much to think about. I know some things for sure... I saw no blinding light just a sense of weightlessness. If Mel had not been there to pray I know i would not be here today, because I think some part of me wanted to keep floating. I would love to say I saw my life flash before me and it was full filling hahaha. I had only one thought and that was I hurt for my sister who was sitting beside me and I thought of him. Would he be sad? I wishing I had not been so stubborn and called him before I left.
That's when I heard His voice in my head. See I have a saying that I say when things in life get too tough or exhausting or just plain stressful. I cannot die because I have not suffered enough. Thinking back on it now it is kind of a slap in the face to Jesus who bearing all my sin toted the cross to Calvary. He asked me just one question have you suffered enough are you done? The easy thing would have been to say yes I am ready, but as I thought I realized I have too much to do. He promises even though it will not be easy and I will probably suffer along this journey I will not suffer alone. See He has never left and each time I have been let down or had my heart broken. I must learn to lean on Him instead of trusting in myself or friends.
So friends this is my life changing moment, pretty involved take it or leave it. I thought if someone could get just one thing out of all this it would make it worth sharing!


  1. Wow, that was powerful. May God bless you for your openness and honesty.
    You're the Tiger, powerful and strong.
    Love you.

  2. Don't like to think or talk about that time either, but because of Jesus I feel compelled to tell it. It wasn't my prayer that brought you back it was His NAME.

    Because He suffered for you, there is a great purpose for your life. We are here to do the "greater things" Jim Cymbala preached about that Sunday before at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. It's a joy to watch you grow into all He planned for you.
