Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Tiger

For those of ya'll that know me, you might not want to read this. lol But I now that will not stop some. This is a short story that has no meaning or an ending for that matter. All I ask is that if you do read it, at the end pray for the tiger.....

Once upon a time, there was a tiger who lived deep in her own forest. This tiger hunted alone, fished alone, and slept alone. See this tiger needed no one. Tigers are solitaire creatures and she was no different than other tigers. One day while out hunting she came upon a lion. Now this lion was no ordinary lion. The lion began to talk to her at first. See tigers and lions do not always get along, but the lion began to tell the tiger of all the beautiful things she was missing by being alone. Lion talked of all her friends and how special each one was to her for different reasons and how much the tiger would love it all, being apart of the jungle family.
Soon the tiger wanted to see this new life that although she was nervous, She set out to follow the lion and see what the jungle was really like. "What could it hurt," thought the tiger, "I can walk away anytime. I need no one."
Sometime later the tiger found she really liked jungle life, she had finally found where she belonged. She now had friends. They where not all like her as a matter of fact she found that there was not one other tiger in the bunch, but that did not matter much to anyone. She found a dragon to talk to when needing an ear, a donkey to laugh with, an eagle to run with,
and the lion who seemed to ever be a guide. She found peace in being able to hunt with the others, and in rest they where never far apart.
Like so many tails this story has taken a turn, see an enemy had infiltrated the jungle. The snake had come at first in peace, so much so the the tiger had dropped her guard. Snake had begun to spread lies and stir up much unrest. So the jungle friends got together and tossed the snake out of the jungle, telling him never to return! The tiger will never forget the parting words, "you will never be anything with out me."
It took a long time for the jungle to recover because they had thought that the snake was there friend. As time moved on the jungle pack slowly made their way closer together and trust began to form. But you know the enemy is sneaky and wears many faces. This time I am not sure what may happen to the pack but the tiger is wounded. She longs to run free where the hurt can no longer cut so deep. See she is weak and angry, and the enemy works on her need to nurse her wound in private. Alone where no one can hurt her again. The tiger has never before warred with her spirit so much she is afraid to let go and trust that she will not be deceived again. She does not want to leave her jungle home. She found that its not so bad being with others. She can hear the lion and the dragon calling her name.......

Friday, February 13, 2009

Romeo and Juliet

So Romeo and Juliet huh. I hear a lot about man I wish I had that kind of love or we just romanticize that we wish some one would be willing to "die" for us. hahaha Well this has been coming for a while it has just takes me a lil time. lol I at first thought well I do not want that. I do not find it romantic that they would rather DIE than be with out the other one. Did anyone ever think that they were just not made for one another. I mean HELLO. They knew each other for a total of five minutes and they have an undying love. I am thinking had they lived a little longer they would have ended up hating each other like most kids do at their age.

But the Lord pricked my heart about something all day long (cuz I have been meaning to write this all day lol). I said earlier in the blog that "we wish someone would be willing to 'die for us' ". Jesus did that for us! So I guess you could say the Shakespeare copies the greatest love story of all times and twisted it and made it a tragedy. Not that is the tragedy right there. The biggest day for love is coming up, I never really stopped to think that maybe God would like a "Valentines" from us.

As we run around trying to find the perfect gift or the perfect date lets keep in mind who we should truly love!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


There is so much I could say, So many hurtful things that could have the power to destroy someone elses journey or path that they are tryng to walk down. Is this why I became a christain? To take shots at my family in Christ? Sometimes I get so upset, thinking that if we would just stop wasting time with the "he said she said" that imagine what we could be accomplishing for the Lord. I mean that is why we are here on this earth, right? So in the long term effect, who cares if sister so in so hurt my feelings, or maybe I hurt hers? Let me tell you why we should care and why it does matter. Bear with me because the Lord has a message to share....
If I hurt sister so in so's feelings and do nothing (or maybe I do apologize and she chooses to ignore it). Lets say she is on the path to plant the seed that the Lord will save millions with or (as Landon shared with us last Wednesday) if He only is concerned with the "one" that is lost. If I destroy her with careless words and she becomes bitter and maybe choices a different path. Whose fault is it? mine? hers? the enemy? Everyone in ministry sooner or later gets hurt by someone they thought they trusted or loved them, and I believe we are allowed to grieve for them and our relationship. Here's where I fear I will ruffle some feathers (mine included). When sister so in so comes to you and confesses of her "betrayal" as humans we are forced to recognize that she has hurt us deeply. Can we forgive and not throw it in her face every time we visit our hurt in our "closet of despair". It's easy to say I forgive you and not mean it! I am the worst at saying it's okay I am fine but the minute I see that person again. I think to myself man I can not believe they would do that to me. Forgetting that she has already come to me and said she was sorry! The only way to bring healling is to truly let it go.
Now this idea has plagued me for awhile. Judas. The one we hardly ever talk about because he was a "betrayer." I know right I bet we all just shivered. i went to a pastor about 6 months ago and began asking questions about if Judas was in heaven or hell. His immediate response was of course he is in hell, Angela, what could you be thinking. My thought has always been once you asked Jesus to be your Savior you could not get Him out of your heart. So this troubles me if Judas followed Jesus and betrayed Him was he forgiven. Now here's where the Lord has brought it home to me. WE ARE ALL JUDAS. We have all betrayed someone in the past. It says in Matthew 27:3-5
3. When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders. 4. "I have sinned," he said, "for I have betrayed innocent blood." "What is that to us?" they replied. "That's your responsibility." 5. So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.
What if the "elders of the church had not sent him away. He went looking for a way back to redemption and was met with overwhelming condemnation. So many times we sit as judge jury and executioner on other people, wouldn't Judas have had one amazing testimony if they had offered another solution for redemption! I wonder how the story would have gone if he could have talked to Jesus before he was overcome with his guilt. So this is my pledge I am through being the elders, I am through being thought of as being a Judas, or not a John. I am what I am and what I am aiming for is just a servant or a lowly rock. Because He can use the rocks!!!
We as christains must start standing up to the enemy in battle instead of being his instruments of destruction!! If someone has done you wrong let it go. If I have done wrong to you I am asking for your true forgiveness. I refuse to let the devil have any more time on this divided destruction. Will you join me in this? Do we go forward from here victorious? I sure hope so!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009