Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A different time

Looking out of this veranda I feel a certain home coming or kinship. Is it wrong to want something more for me or my life? I have been told that it is the sadness that draws me back to this particular house over and over again. I have been told that "I" would not have made it in this time period either. hah ha So tell what do you think draws me back? Once or twice a year you can find me surfing the net or "jonsing" to go back or just flat out going 131 miles out of my way to see this special place.
It could be a number of things that draw me but tonight as I was trying to put my finger on it this came to me. As I stood on the veranda I could see the Mississippi River, feel the wind, and look at the majestic view of the trees that have lived over 300 years. The tour guide was talking about previous owners and how one man stood on the porch while close to death waiting for the return of his wife. I felt a sort of kinship with him because how many times have I found myself waiting on the one I love the most to come to the realization that they love me too.
She went on talking of other things, and me in true form was only half listening till she mentioned in passing that the trees I was so admiring would only live for 300 more years. Imagine in just 300 short years someone would miss out on the beauty of what I was witnessing at that moment. (see live oaks only live around 600 years)
I was praying tonight and this is maybe why I am drawn to this house with this view, Jesus has promised to go and prepare a place in His Father's house for me. I have heard since I was a little girl that we will live in mansions when we get up there. (lol for those of ya'll that just went back to the "camp meetings" we used to have about what a time we are going to have over there!) So this is my thought maybe The Lord has given me a glimpse of how my mansion will look!! Now when I picture myself on the veranda it is me awaiting anxiously for my Hero to return for me.
Now I know it is not a different time or place that draws me back to this special place just a need and want to be ready for He returns for me!


  1. Nice job! I'm so proud :)
    You are longing for a different time and place...a future one when your True Love will come for you on His white horse and take you to the special place He has been building just for you...with trees (and hope) that will live forever!

  2. Swoosh.....Eagle passing over the tops of these trees! Beautiful post!!!
